Efficient project and resource management with monday.com and MOCO

Discover how Blinno has revolutionized project and resource management: With a seamless synchronization solution between monday.com and MOCO, we've created automation that saves time, reduces errors, and makes time recording and resource management more efficient.

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September 23, 2024
Project and resource management with monday.com and MOCO

Today, companies use various tools to manage their projects and resources. At Blinno, we rely on monday.com for project planning and task distribution and on MOCO for managing project resources and financial administration. To ensure that data is always consistent between the two platforms, we have an automated synchronization scenario developed that makes manual input superfluous.

MOCO and monday.com: Overview

MOCO and monday.com are powerful tools that help companies in various areas of project and resource management. At Blinno, we use both platforms to efficiently manage projects and monitor resources. Here's a quick overview of both tools:


MOCO is a comprehensive business management software developed specifically for agencies and service companies. Key features include:

  • Project management: Track project progress, billing, and budgets in one central location.
  • Financial management: MOCO allows you to manage offers, invoices, and budget controls in real time, which ensures transparency about the financial aspects of a project.
  • Time recording: Employees can record their working hours directly in MOCO, which enables precise billing and efficient project controlling.
  • Absence management: Vacation, sick days and other absences are managed directly in MOCO, which provides a central overview.
Try MOCO free for 60 days instead of 30 with our gift code: 2212BLINNO.
Source: MOCO


monday.com is a flexible and easy-to-use Work Operating System (Work OS), which enables teams to plan projects, organize tasks, and improve collaboration. Key features include:

  • Project management: monday.com provides an intuitive platform where teams Tasks, milestones, and deadlines be able to manage. It supports visual views such as Kanban boards, Gantt charts and calendar views.
  • Resource planning: The platform provides a clear overview of availability of resources, including team members and external stakeholders.
  • Collaborate in real time: With monday.com, teams can share files, comment on, and collaborate on tasks, increasing productivity and communication.
Source: Monday.com

The challenge: multiple data entry and inconsistent information

Our team at Blinno saw themselves as one time-consuming and error-prone Challenge faced: As projects progressed on monday.com, the same data had to be manually entered into MOCO. This often resulted in:

  • Inconsistencies between the two platforms, such as customer information and project time recording.
  • Delays in project set-up in MOCO, which made it difficult to start projects.
  • Increased workload, as data had to be maintained multiple times in different systems.

To solve this problem, we have an automation solution with the help of Make developed, seamlessly synchronize projects in monday.com and MOCO.

The solution: Automatic project synchronization

The developed scenario combines monday.com and MOCO with the help of Make (formerly Integromat) and ensures that when projects are changed on monday.com, the appropriate steps are automatically carried out in MOCO. This not only saves time, but also ensures that both systems are always up-to-date.

Situation: At Blinno, a project with the status “New” is created immediately after a lead is won. The Head of Operations then fills in all the required fields on the board in monday.com, such as the priority, budget, schedule and billing type. Whenever a project reaches kickoff status in monday.com, these relevant fields must be transferred to MOCO to create and track the project there.
source: Blinno

The problem that is being solved:

  • Manual data entry: The need to manually enter data in both systems resulted in errors and inconsistent information.
  • delays: Creating projects manually in MOCO delayed the start of the project and increased workload.
  • data inconsistencies: Inconsistent or missing data, such as unassigned project managers or incorrect budgets, can lead to problems in project management.
“100% of our projects are completed automatically. ” - Matthias Tannò, co-founder of Blinno

How does this solution work?

  • monday.com triggers: The process starts as soon as a project goes into “kickoff” status on monday.com. A webhook in Make recognizes this status change and starts automation.
Webhook: Bei der Integration mit Anwendungen/Diensten von Drittanbietern sind Webhooks eine Möglichkeit für diese Anwendungen, Make zu benachrichtigen, wenn etwas passiert. Ein Webhook ist eine Benachrichtigung mit Daten über ein Ereignis, die von einer App an eine andere App oder Webseite gesendet wird. Make verwendet Webhooks als sofortiger Auslöser, um das Szenario auszuführen.
  • Data retrieval: All relevant project details are retrieved from monday.com via an API. This includes not only the main task, but also subtasks, project manager, budget, and customer information.
  • Data processing: The retrieved data is processed by various modules in Make, such as the Calculation of data such as project runtimes or budgets.
  • Conditions and tests: The workflow checks whether all necessary data is available on monday.com before the project is created in MOCO. If important information is missing (e.g., project manager or duration), a notification will be sent to Head of Operations sent to complete the data.
  • Project creation in MOCO: If all data is correct, the project is automatically created in MOCO. This includes:
    • Project name, budget, and project manager.
    • Customer information and currency.
    • Billing details, such as hourly rate and project duration.
  • Updates and sync: As soon as the project is successfully created in MOCO, monday.com updates data such as budget and actual time spent on the project. Every PL can see whether their project is on track, with the budget or the time.

Time tracking in monday.com

One of the most significant requirements in project management is time tracking, as it is the basis for Project billing and provides controlling. One of the benefits of integrating monday.com with MOCO is that we can create a record of time spent on each project and therefore on each of the activities. With this feature, we can control:

  • How much time our team spent on each task
  • How much time was actually spent on carrying out the project.
  • If a time limit has been agreed with the customer, we can check how many working hours are left.
  • Depending on the type of invoicing, the hours worked by our team are calculated precisely.

As a result, we always have an up-to-date overview of Project progress, a forecast of working hours and the team capacities, what makes a better resource planning and reckoning enables.

Source: MOCO

Benefits and benefits of this solution

The automation solution developed by Blinno for project synchronization between monday.com and MOCO offers numerous benefits that both reduce workload and increase efficiency:

Time savings: Through the automate project creation, manual effort and administration are drastically reduced. Project information no longer has to be entered separately in both systems, which saves valuable time and allows you to focus on more important tasks.

Improved planning and transparency: By synchronizing absences and project information, resource planning becomes much more transparent. The team always has an up-to-date overview of who is available and which projects are in which status, which enables more realistic and efficient resource planning.

Error reduction: Manual entries are prone to errors. Synchronization automatically and consistently makes data between monday.com and MOCO transferred. This minimizes the risk of errors when entering data, such as missing information or incorrect data.

Conclusion: Increasing efficiency and reducing errors

With this automation, we at Blinno were able to complete the process of Project creation and -administration, Make it significantly more efficient between monday.com and MOCO. The reduction of manual entries and the synchronization of data ensure smooth processing of projects in both systems.

Our solution reduces errors, saves time and ensures that our team can focus on what is really important: the successful implementation of projects.

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