Integromat becomes Make — what you need to know now

On February 22, 2022, one of the largest and most well-known automation platforms, Integromat, was renamed Make. More than 500,000 organizations worldwide, including Meta, Spotify and Adidas, are already successfully using Make for their process automation and have been able to significantly improve their day-to-day work thanks to the clever and easy use of Make.

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May 21, 2024
Integromat becomes Make

Make (formerly Integromat) makes it easy to visually design, build and automate tasks, complete workflows, apps and systems — within just a few minutes. There are no limits to creativity. Simple workflows and even complex processes can be created within a very short time without programming knowledge.

In this blog article, we explain what the most important differences and innovations between Integromat and Make are and what you need to consider when making the switch.

What is the difference between Integromat and Make?

The switch from Integromat to Make in February 2022 was more than just a name update. As a result of the name change, Integromat became a completely new product, with a new architecture and brand-new features. The developers took into account numerous feedback from Integromat customers.

Since Make is a new product, existing accounts need to upgrade. For more information about the Integromat upgrade process to Make, visit the Make Help Pages.

These are Make's most important improvements compared to Integromat

The change from Integromat to Make is causing a stir with numerous new features and improvements. The 5 most important new features are briefly described below:

1. New architecture

Make has a completely new architecture. To do this, Make uses the Amazon Web Services Cloud Platform (AWS). Thanks to hosting by Amazon Web Services, customers have a quick connection to the backend of the Make platform. The huge advantage of Amazon Web Services hosting is that companies can launch a private instance from anywhere in the world. This means that the speed, stability, and availability of the platform have significantly improved.

2. New team feature

The brand-new team function in Make was not available in the predecessor Integromat. With this new feature, companies are now able to provide access to various data within their make data. Your own organization can now be divided into different teams, which consist of different departments or projects, for example. This enables the company to grant its employees access only to specific data. The various team roles are divided into admin, individual team member, team monitoring, team operator and members who only have limited access.

3. Parallel webhooks

In Integromat, it was only possible to run sequential webhooks that could be executed one after the other. Make can run multiple webhooks at the same time. Parallel webhooks allow a better response time to incoming requests within the Make app, but companies still have the option to access the sequential processing of the webhooks. This can optionally be set in the backend and scenario settings.

4. Full text search in the scenario execution history

For even better and faster troubleshooting, Make now offers the option of searching full text in the scenario execution history in the backend. With the full text search, errors in scenario execution can be found faster and more effectively. The full text search makes it possible to search and find every term in every module and every output. Once the desired term is found in the search result, you can jump directly to the corresponding module.

5. Make Rest API

The Make Rest API is able to access Make's data and control the Make platform without using the graphical user interface. To do this, the Make API uses so-called HTTP requests. Make's API makes it possible to interact with numerous make resources. This includes over 300 endpoints to start or stop scenarios and manage team members. The automations can therefore be automated, so to speak. Companies also have full control over the platform, as everything that is done via the web interface can also be executed via the API.

In addition to these 5 major innovations, Make has also been improved over Integromat in numerous other areas, including:

  • New shapes interface: Forms in Make allow users to enter texts, a date, a selection list, or other types of input. The new forms in Make are now easier to understand and use.
  • Scenario stream function: With the help of the scenario stream function, Make users have the opportunity to track everything that is currently running in the respective scenarios in real time. In this way, the execution process can be intervened at any time if necessary and stopped if necessary.
  • Improved template search: Now users can find new templates even faster and easier thanks to the new template search.

Prices and plan adjustments — these are the most important new features for Integromat customers

If an Integromat account already exists, it is now called “Legacy Plan” in the Make app. The previous price and features from the old plan remain in place with the legacy plan and correspond to the new Make Core plan. Unter der Make price overview Can you see the new plans and prices.

The new Make 2024 logo

For 2024, Make has announced that it will also revise its image and leave behind the “Formally Integromat” legend that accompanied the new logo.

New brand logo from 2024


With the introduction of Make, the former Integromat is experiencing more than just a cosmetic refresher. Various new features make the app much easier for customers to use. Thanks to the new Amazon Web Service hosting provider, the app is also significantly faster. Process automation with Make has never been easier or more efficient. We would be happy to advise you on all questions relating to the new make. We'd love to hear from you.

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