How start-ups can use no-code to grow quickly

Starting a business can be a challenge, especially if you're starting with a small team. It is known that responsibilities must be spread over a few shoulders, which sometimes makes it difficult to complete all tasks on time.

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August 28, 2024
How start-ups can use no-code to grow quickly

Digitalizing processes is a crucial tool that enables us to automate repetitive tasks, manage processes more efficiently and, most importantly, satisfy our customers.

Although many associate the word “digitization” with high investment costs and complex development and implementation, it is now an indispensable part of the success of every company — from small businesses to the largest and most complex.

In this blog, we'll show you how you can lead your start-up into the digital era with no-code and low-code (LCNC).

What is no-code and low-code?

No-Code is a development platform that enables people to build software applications without having to program for them. Instead of writing lines of code, use no-code tools, visual interfaces that allow you to arrange elements by dragging and dropping — much like putting together a puzzle game.

Imagine building a model house out of Lego bricks: You select the required building blocks and simply assemble them to achieve the desired result. With No-Code, it works the same way, except that you select components such as forms, images, or buttons instead of building blocks and place them on a virtual canvas. In this way, even people without technical knowledge can create websites, apps, or automated workflows.

Why no-code/low-code?

No-code has gained a lot of popularity in recent years and is being used more and more frequently, particularly in small and medium-sized companies as well as in start-ups. According to a study by Gartner, by 2024 an estimated 65% of all application developments will be carried out using no-code or low-code technologies. This shows how widely used these tools already are and how much they are changing the way software is developed.

The reason for this growing usage lies in the ease of use and efficiency of no-code platforms. Companies can implement their digital solutions faster and more cost-effectively, and even employees without extensive technical expertise can actively participate in the development of applications. This trend is confirmed by the increasing number of no-code platforms, which offer more and more features and integrations to meet the needs of modern companies.

No-code tools make it possible not only to create simple websites or apps, but also to digitize more complex business processes. This makes it an indispensable tool for companies that want to remain competitive in an increasingly digital world.

“No-code is going to unlock the creativity of an entire generation of entrepreneurs who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to bring their ideas to life. It’s democratizing technology in a way that lets people create products, start companies, and solve problems without needing a technical co-founder.”

- Vlad Magdalin

CEO and Co-Founder of Webflow

How can you use No-Code in your company?

Introducing no-code into your company can optimize your business processes, speed up product development, and even open up new business opportunities. But how exactly can you use no-code in your company? Here are a few practical approaches:

  • Development of a prototype in a short time

One of the biggest benefits of no-code tools is the ability to quickly turn ideas into tangible prototypes. If your company has a new product idea, you can create a functional version within a few hours using no-code platforms. In a short time, you can create an app, a customer portal, or a website without having to invest hours in development.

  • Automate and streamline processes

Many repetitive tasks in companies can be automated to save time and resources. No-code tools such as Zapier or Make (formerly Integromat) enable you to connect various software solutions and create automated workflows. For example, you can have incoming orders automatically entered into your CRM system or automatically forward emails to your support team. This reduces manual work and increases efficiency.

  • Design internal tools

No-code can also be used to develop custom internal tools that are tailored to the exact needs of your company. Whether it's a simple dashboard to monitor KPIs or a complex project management tool, with no-code platforms like, you can build applications that are tailored to your internal processes without having to rely on external developers.

  • Focus on core business

Start-ups often have limited resources, and it's crucial that founders focus on what's really important: their core business. No-code solutions relieve them of the burden of technical development so they can focus on developing their business strategy, building customer relationships, and marketing. This results in more efficient use of resources and accelerates company growth.

  • Cost efficiency and resource optimization

Software development usually requires significant investments in qualified developers, software licenses, and infrastructure. No-code and low-code platforms can significantly reduce these costs, as they minimize the need for a large development team and expensive coding resources. Companies can use their resources for other essential areas, such as marketing or research and development (R&D).

For example, used Schneider Electric a low-code platform to automate various business processes, resulting in a 50% reduction in development costs and a 20% improvement in process efficiency (OutSystems, n.d.). This cost efficiency makes no-code and low-code platforms particularly attractive for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with limited budgets.

No-code tools that start-ups should know

There are a variety of no-code tools on the market that are specifically designed to meet the needs of start-ups.

An example of what you do with a No-code tool Can do is create a simple website for a small business. With a tool such as Weweb or Webflow You can create a completely functional and attractively designed website without any programming knowledge. You simply choose from ready-made design templates, add your own texts and images, and arrange everything via drag-and-drop. In this way, you can set up a professional online presence within a few hours, which also includes contact forms, booking systems or even an online shop.


No-code and low-code are more than just trends — they're revolutionizing the way companies develop and deliver software. For start-ups, these technologies offer a unique opportunity to grow faster, save costs while remaining flexible and agile. By integrating no-code into their business strategy, founders can realize their ideas faster and focus on what really counts: building a successful company.

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