How secure are no-code solutions?

Since the boom in no-code tools and the low-code development platform (LCDP), questions have arisen about the security of these no-code solutions. These platforms allow easy and rapid development without resorting to traditional programming methods. Traditional methods involve writing long, complicated lines of code that are difficult for people with little computer skills to understand.

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July 17, 2024
How secure are no-code solutions

In this blog, we'll look at what makes a no-code platform stand out and how you can be sure that its implementation is secure.

First, what are no-code solutions?

No-code platforms are tools that enable users to build applications through visual programming. Instead of writing code, users can build functions and logic by dragging and dropping visual blocks. These platforms offer a wide range of templates and widgets that make it possible to develop anything from simple database applications to complex business processes.

If you want to read more about no-code and low-code, we recommend our blog post, which explains what no-code is.

No-code and low-code security concerns

The features that make no-code development so productive for many companies can also pose security challenges. For example, the developer is a decisive factor in no-code and low-code solutions. In traditional programming, the developer needs relevant experience, including knowledge of security aspects. For no-code developers, however, experience is a less important aspect, as anyone can start developing without any previous experience. These people are less likely to be familiar with security issues, which can lead to security risks, but of course doesn't have to.

While developers who work without code may not have the same deep awareness of security and privacy, many no-code platforms integrate security methods directly into their solutions. However, the developer plays a significant role here by ensuring that he follows the platform's recommendations and uses the best security practices in his company.

A common criticism from some mainstream developers is the lack of trust in no-code tools. The saying “you can't trust what you can't see” might apply here, referring to the fact that with no-code platforms, users don't write and manage code directly. Instead, the code is automatically generated and managed by the platform in the background. This may raise concerns about controlling and fully understanding the inner workings of the applications being built.

Security aspects of no-code solutions that you should consider

Security is a critical aspect of all IT solutions, and no-code platforms are no exception. There are several areas where the security of no-code solutions must be considered.

Secure your platform

The platform's basic security architecture forms the foundation. Here are a few particularly important points:

  • Data protection: It is critical that user data is protected against unauthorized access at all times. This ensures that sensitive information is kept safe.
  • Encryption: All data that is transferred or stored should be encrypted. This helps to ensure data integrity and confidentiality even over the Internet. If you need help with data encryption, you can review the information provided by each tool or contact a no-code platform expert.
  • Authentication and authorization: We hereby ensure that only authorized users have access to the platform and the developed applications. This prevents unauthorized access and ensures a secure user environment. There are also measures such as two-factor authentication or secure platforms that can help you manage users and passwords.

Applying security

This point is about the security of applications that you have developed with no-code platforms. Here are a few key measures to ensure the security of your apps:

  • Safe standard configurations: The platforms you use for development should already provide securely configured building blocks. This helps to keep security levels high right from the start and minimizes the need for manual adjustments.
  • Regular updates: In order to close potential security gaps, it is crucial that the platforms used are regularly updated. This ensures that all security aspects are up-to-date and protects applications from known threats.
  • Compliance: Your applications must comply with applicable data protection laws and security standards. This is not only important to avoid legal consequences, but also to strengthen users' trust in your applications.

Best practices for securing no-code solutions

To ensure the security of no-code platforms and applications, organizations should follow the following best practices:

Choosing a trustworthy platform

Before you launch a no-code or low-code platform, you should learn about the security standards and certifications of each tool. You should also pay attention to the security updates and patches that the tools regularly provide to protect against cyberattacks.

Safety awareness and employee training

It is crucial that users of no-code platforms are well-informed about the most common security threats and effective strategies to defend against them. Cybersecurity training is essential to ensure that tools are used securely and responsibly.

Regular security checks

Even if you don't have any code, you should regularly conduct security audits or use automated tools that allow you to identify and fix security vulnerabilities.

Involving security experts

It's true that one of the main benefits of no-code solutions is that you can “build it yourself.” However, working with an expert can be of significant benefit, not only in implementing the tool and data migration, but also in carrying out the necessary configurations to ensure that your data is protected and optimally structured.


No-code solutions offer huge opportunities for companies that want to shorten their development time and increase flexibility. However, the security aspects of using these technologies must not be neglected. By implementing best practices and creating security awareness, risks can be minimized and the benefits of no-code platforms can be optimally exploited.

It's important that companies find a balance between agility and security to ensure both efficiency and protection of their digital assets. With the right approach, no-code solutions can be a secure and powerful part of a company's IT strategy.

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At Blinno, we are experts in no-code and low-code tools. We'll help you implement, migrate, integrate, and train these tools in your company. Book a free 30-minute consultation with our experts. They will help you choose the best tool for your company and guarantee the security of all your information and data.

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