Retool - The future of internal tools and business applications

Would you like to create your own internal business application that meets your exact requirements? Then you've found the perfect application in Retool, with which you can easily realise your project without extensive programming knowledge.

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October 15, 2024
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In a world where companies increasingly rely on digital solutions to optimise their workflows, the development of customised business applications is becoming more and more important. Retool is a platform that is revolutionising this development by offering companies a simple, fast and efficient way to create internal tools and applications. In this blog, we will take an in-depth look at Retool, explore its features and find out why it has become an indispensable tool for modern organisations.

What is Retool?

Retool is a business application creation platform specifically designed to help internal teams build custom applications without extensive coding knowledge. Instead of building applications from scratch, Retool provides an intuitive user interface where users can quickly create complex applications using drag-and-drop components and pre-built interfaces. The platform integrates seamlessly with existing databases, APIs and other external services, greatly accelerating the development processis a business application creation platform specifically designed to help internal teams build custom applications without extensive coding knowledge. Instead of building applications from scratch, Retool provides an intuitive user interface where users can quickly create complex applications using drag-and-drop components and pre-built interfaces. The platform integrates seamlessly with existing databases, APIs and other external services, which speeds up the development process enormously.

Source: Capterra

Why Retool?

Speed and efficiency

One of the biggest challenges in developing internal tools is that conventional development cycles take a long time and often incur high costs. Retool offers considerable time savings here. The platform is designed in such a way that even teams without in-depth technical expertise can create fully functional applications within a few hours. This leads to a considerable reduction in the time from idea to realisation.

Integration with existing systems

Retool offers native integrations for a variety of data sources such as SQL databases, Google Sheets, APIs and even Salesforce. This means that organisations can easily integrate their existing data sources into new applications without changing the underlying infrastructure. This flexibility makes it particularly useful for organisations that already have extensive IT ecosystems and want to improve their internal tools.

Flexibility and customisability

While Retool is designed to simplify development, it still offers a high degree of flexibility for developers. Users can extend the functionality of Retool with custom code (JavaScript, SQL and REST). This makes Retool a powerful tool for both beginners and experienced developers.


Retool is not only suitable for small teams, but also for larger companies. The platform can be easily scaled so that it can be used for both simple tasks and more complex enterprise applications. The ability to manage multiple users and authorisations makes it an ideal solution for growing companies looking to streamline their internal processes.

Main functions of Retool

1. User-friendly interface

Retool is characterised by a user-friendly, visual development environment that allows users to drag and drop components such as tables, buttons, forms and charts. This visual programming makes it accessible to non-technical users, while developers still have the ability to add custom code.

2. Database integration and API connections

One of Retool's most outstanding features is its ability to connect to almost any data source. It supports SQL databases, NoSQL databases, REST APIs, GraphQL and many more. These integration options make it easy to use existing data in real time and build applications on top of it.

3. flexible code deployment

Although Retool offers a visual interface, it is not limited to this. Developers can add custom JavaScript code, write SQL queries or integrate REST calls directly into their applications. This mix of ease of use and complete customisability is a key advantage over other low-code tools.

4. User and rights management

Retool allows companies to set different access rights for different users. This allows developers and non-developers to work together in a team, protecting sensitive data and managing access rights precisely.

5. Templates and component library

The platform offers an extensive library of ready-made components and templates that further accelerate the development process. These ready-made modules cover a wide range of use cases - from simple dashboards to complex data management tools.

Source: Retool

Who is Retool for?

Retool is ideal for companies that need customised business applications without having to set up a dedicated development team. Typical target groups for Retool are:

  • Start-ups that want to quickly develop prototypes or MVPs to test their business ideas.
  • Companies that want to optimise their internal processes with customised tools.
  • Freelancers and agencies that develop special digital solutions for clients.

This platform is particularly suitable for teams that want to use the full functionality of enterprise applications without the complexity of traditional software development.

Note: An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is a development strategy in which a new product or service is created with the minimum necessary features to test the core benefits and gather market feedback. The MVP contains only the most basic features required to make the product work and is released early to gather customer feedback quickly. This feedback helps to further develop and adapt the product iteratively before investing too much time and resources in full product development.

The idea behind an MVP is to quickly validate whether there is demand for the product and which functions offer the greatest added value without investing in unnecessary functions or extensive development efforts. An MVP helps to minimise risks and test the marketability of a product.

Retool Pricing: How much does it cost to use Retool?

Retool offers a variety of pricing models to cover different needs:

  • Free Plan: Ideal for beginners who want to try out Retool. However, the free plan offers limited storage space and limited features.
  • Team Plan: This plan is aimed at small teams and companies developing internal applications. It costs about $10 per user/month.
  • Business Plan: Perfect for growing companies that need a larger number of integrations and API calls. This plan costs $50 per user.
  • Enterprise Plan: For large companies with specific scalability and security requirements, Retool offers customised pricing models and extended support.

Application examples for Retool

1. Customer support dashboards

A large technology company could use Retool to create an internal dashboard for customer support. Customer data could be displayed here in real time and support staff would have immediate access to all the relevant information they need to process enquiries efficiently. With the integration of API services, enquiries and complaints could be forwarded immediately to the relevant departments.

Source: Retool

2. Inventory and warehouse management

For companies that sell physical products, Retool could be used to create a customised inventory management application. By integrating with existing warehouse management systems, employees could see in real time which products are in stock, which need to be reordered and how sales figures are developing.

3. Sales and marketing dashboards

Sales and marketing teams could use Retool to create customised dashboards that display real-time data from various sources such as Google Analytics, CRM systems or social media platforms. This allows them to make informed decisions and adjust their strategies based on the latest data.

Source: Retool

4. HR-Management-Tools

Another example would be the use of Retool to manage HR processes. Companies could create custom HR tools that track employee data, manage leave requests and organise performance reviews in a central dashboard. These applications could be seamlessly integrated with existing HR systems to increase efficiency.

Retool compared to other low-code and no-code platforms

There are many low-code and no-code platforms on the market, all of which promise to simplify the development of internal tools. However, Retool stands out in several aspects:

Flexibility in the integration of data sources: While many platforms are limited to specific databases or APIs, Retool offers an exceptionally wide range of integration options. This makes it particularly attractive for companies with complex IT ecosystems.

High customisability: Unlike many other low-code platforms, Retool allows experienced developers to use custom code. This flexibility ensures that companies can customise their applications exactly to their needs.

Speed and ease of use: By combining an intuitive drag-and-drop interface with the ability to make deeper customisations, Retool is suitable for both beginners and advanced users. This combination of simplicity and flexibility is a decisive advantage.

Business-friendly: Retool offers features that are particularly useful for businesses, such as the ability to manage user roles and access rights, securely host applications and ensure scalability.

How to get started with Retool

Getting started with Retool is very easy. The platform offers a free trial version that allows users to learn the basics and create their first applications. For companies that want to use Retool on a larger scale, there are various pricing models that can be customised according to the company's specific requirements. This means that you can implement your own project relatively quickly with tutorials and instructions. However, if you want to speed up the process or have larger requirements, you can also work with an expert.

Start your retool project with the experts from Blinno!

With us at your side, you can be sure that your project will be developed professionally and efficiently. We accompany you from the initial idea to the finished application - customised to your needs.

1. create an account

To get started with Retool, all you need to do is create an account on the Retool website. Once you have registered, you will have access to a free version of the platform, which already offers many features.

2. Connect a data source

The next step is to connect a data source. Retool supports a wide range of data sources, including SQL databases, Google Sheets and REST APIs. Integration is easy and can be completed in minutes.

3. Create your first application

Once the data source is connected, you can use Retool's drag and drop editor to create your first application. Simply select the components you want and arrange them on the user interface.

For users who want to delve deeper into the platform, Retool offers the ability to add custom code. This allows you to implement more complex functionality and tailor your applications to suit your needs.

Accordion Example

Frequently asked questions

Yes, Retool offers a free plan that is ideal for smaller projects and prototypes. However, a paid plan is recommended for larger projects or teams.

Retool simplifies development considerably by automating many recurring tasks such as data integration and user interface construction. For very specific requirements, however, traditional programming can be more flexible.

Retool mainly specialises in web applications. Mobile apps can be supported indirectly, but this often requires an additional platform or integration.


Retool is a powerful platform that enables companies to develop internal tools quickly and efficiently. With its combination of ease of use, flexibility and depth of integration, Retool is suitable for both small teams and large organisations. Whether you need a simple dashboard or complex business logic, Retool provides the tools to optimise your internal processes and increase your productivity.Want to develop your internal tool with Retool but unsure how to get started? No problem! We at Blinno have already successfully implemented numerous projects with Retool and have the experience and expertise to realise your project efficiently and professionally. Whether you need support with planning, technical implementation or integration - we are here for you and let's turn your vision into reality together!

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